General information for referring dentists
Dear colleagues,
Dear colleagues,
The dental team at BERLIN SMILE ZAHNZENTRUM is happy to support you in treating your patient.
Every tooth which you consider worth retaining will be treated by us – insofar as this is possible for us as dentists.
Your patients will be treated exclusively within the framework provided by you in your referral order.
Naturally, we respect the applicable consultant rules according to which the patients cannot be admitted to our practice as new patients for the duration of two years.
In order to achieve the optimum dental treatment and personal satisfaction for all concerned, individual agreements, maximally transparent treatment and confidential communication are extremely important to us.
For this reason, we will initially arrange a consultation appointment with your patients, in which the focus is on clinical findings, the evaluation or creation of X-ray documentation and providing information.
This information includes both the diagnosis made, the therapeutic procedure, treatment alternatives, the prognosis and the expected costs of the treatment.
If newly ascertained findings make an adjustment to the treatment procedure necessary, we will of course clarify this in a conversation with you.
You can arrange an appointment for your patient with us directly or use a special patient questionnaire to send us your patient’s documentation in advance.
Oral surgery and implantology referral
After treatment is completed, your patient will be referred back to you.
You will receive a written report with all the relevant information, findings, the relevant X-ray images and a recommendation for further treatment
Your dentists in Berlin, right in Europacity
- Open Mo – Fr between 8am and 8pm
- (030) 95 99 99 410
- Heidestrasse 14, 10557 Berlin
- Parking spaces at the REWE opposite
- Our practice is fully accessible
Endodontology referrals
- Endodontology treatment will be carried out according to the current scientific standards (Consensus report of the European Society of Endodontology, ESE), supported by dental microscope and using a rubber dam.
- Length determination is carried out endometrically, X-ray verification serves to provide extra anatomical information and will take place using digital X-ray imaging.
- Mechanical preparation with nickel-titanium files (Pro Taper, Dentsply®) will, if necessary, be individualized apically with Lightspeed® instruments.
- The rinsing protocol will be based on the initial diagnosis and will be activated by ultrasound.
- In the case of vital extirpation, treatment usually takes place on one side.
- In the case of revisions and infected necrosis, in contrast, treatment is on both sides after medication with calcium hydroxide deposits.
- Both the temporary and the definitive seal will be carried out with composites using the dentin adhesive technique.
- Obturation of the root canal system will take place thermoplastically with vertical condensation, meaning it is possible, with the relevant indication, to adjust this for a planned post treatment. The success rate of endodontological treatment can thus be significantly increased, allowing you to retain apparently questionable teeth for your patients and integrate them into your treatment concept.
Periodontology referrals
Periodontology treatment will be carried out according to current scientific standards according to a strictly defined, evidence-based schedule.
Here, the treatment is split into the following phases:
- Hygiene phase
- Periodontal pre-treatment (PAV)
- Periodontal treatment (PAB) according to the “full mouth scaling” concept
- Periodontal follow-up (PAN)
- Reevaluation
- Surgical periodontal treatment (only with appropriate indication)
- Lifelong auxiliary periodontal treatment (UPT)
This allows the success rate of periodontal treatment to be significantly increased, allowing you to retain apparently questionable teeth for your patients and integrate them into your treatment concept.
After periodontal treatment is completed, your patient will be referred back to you.
You will receive a written report with all the relevant information, periodontal findings, the relevant X-ray images and a recommendation for further auxiliary periodontal treatment (UPT).
Oral surgery and implantology referral
We carry out implant treatment both surgically and prosthetically, depending on your wishes.
As a standard, we use implant system products from Camlog, but are happy to offer other systems for you on request.
During implant treatment, we carry out all common forms of bone regeneration.
We would be happy to give you more information regarding our implant treatment concept in a personal conversation.